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2024-25 Associated Student Government Elections


A total of 422 ballots were cast. Vote totals are below under each position. Winners are highlighted for each position. 


Milad Davaran - 144

Kristian Suazo - 171

Edward Mcelroy - 68

Max Daeity - 26


Vice President

Blake Davenport - 192

Mia Sanchez - 196


Director of Academic and Division Affairs

Annette Cifuentes - 346


Director of External Affairs

Audrey Whitney-Miller - 349


Senator for Diversity, Inclusion, and International Students

Nicole Karraa - 178

Alex Rodriguez - 173


Senator for Honors Students

Alexis Bartlett - 344


Senator for Inter-Club Council

Sydnie Lagasse - 328


Senator for Veterans Students

Jonathan Villalon - 160

Amanda Reyna - 183


Senator At-Large

Sophia Whitney - 336


Student Trustee

*This year, only IVC students are able to run as each campus trades off each year. Saddleback College students still vote as this position will represent all students at the District. 

** Results will be added to IVC totals to determine winner of the election. 

Sharla Clemente - 220

Wabi Gougsa - 109


ASB Stamp Increase Referendum

Yes - 221

No - 173


Senator for Campus Life



Senator for Campus Sustainability



Election Timeline/Important Dates

Closed Thursday, February 29 | Candidate Intent Form Due


Candidate Meeting (Must attend one): Monday, Feb 26 at 12p, Tuesday, Feb 27 at 3p, and Friday, March 1 at 12p​

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 5735 6199

Passcode: 253775

+16699006833,,81057356199#,,,,*253775# US (San Jose)


March 11 11:00a on the Quad - Meet Your Candidates! Event


Tuesday, March 12th  -  Thursday, March 14 @ 7p - Voting Period  - Ballots will be emailed to all student's preferred emails (check spam and junk folders if you cannot locate it)


Friday, March 15 - Results announced on website by 5p



Important Documents






Elections Committee Chair: Jackie, Senator for Veteran Students




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