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Senator for Veteran Students 

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Hello, my name is Cade Allen, and I’m proud to announce that I will be running for the Senator for Veteran Students. I myself served in the Marine Corps for 8 years as a proven leader and professional. I have passion for my fellow members and former members of the military, and beyond that I have a passion for all student success.


As a veteran, I understand the unique challenges that Veterans might face with their education as they transition from service into civilian life and after the fact. I intend to leverage my leadership abilities in order to affect change throughout the college to better benefit my fellow brothers and sisters and potentially even assist all students towards their non-academic and academic success. I am well qualified, experienced, and have the know-how to advocate for all students' wants and needs and especially my fellow service members.


I intend on transitioning Saddleback as a whole to a more student centric school. Help me help you achieve this goal and let’s make saddleback a better school for everyone.

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