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Senator for Campus Sustainability 

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Daniella Chavez

Hello everyone, I’m Daniella! When I first stepped foot on Saddleback College, I realized that the values of free thought, respect, and individualism were vital on the campus. This made me question, "How could we use these values to foster a more sustainable campus community?". For me, sustainability is not a one-way path. It needs to be addressed both in a social, economic, and environmental way.


As a campus sustainability senator, I am looking to implement changes that will favor both the community and the environment at Saddleback College. My platform is simple; engaging, enhancing students' voices around what makes a sustainable campus, and implementing sustainable practices that make it easier to do the right thing.


Coming from Peru, one of the most diverse countries in the world, with vast ecosystems that range from tropical rainforests to deserts and mountains, I’ve learned to value both nature and community. I’ve had previous experience with leading, both recycling and charity programs, as well as setting up local entrepreneurship and bio-gardens on the high school campus.


If interested in taking part in any of these activities or looking to voice your own opinion, I encourage you to vote for me.

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Arianna Blandon

My name is Arianna Blandon, and I am running for Senator for Campus Sustainability. I am a first-year student here at Saddleback and I am majoring in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning.


I have been lucky enough to be a part of the honors program, the promise program, SCURC Fall 2023, volunteering with various ecological restoration events on and off campus and being the current treasurer of the Environmental Awareness club, where we have been able to revive the campus’ native plant garden. For these reasons, I have the desire to give back and take part in my community here at Saddleback and in the environment as a whole.


I am committed to creating a more sustainable campus overall, with hopes of bringing people together through future events to improve our campus and our greater outside community. Ways I hope to do so is by creating more sustainable and equitable resources for students, such as, better access to sustainable food, less single waste use products around campus, and more native plants across campus.

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